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X. Tang, S. Mori, S. Yantis, T. Ratnanather, and M.I. Miller, “Automated Segmentation of Subcortical Structures via Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping”, OHBM, Jun 2012, Beijing, China.
X. Tang, S. Mori, and M.I. Miller, “Automated segmentation of corticospinal tract in diffusion tensor images via multi-modality multi-atlas fusion”, SPIE-MI, Feb 2014, San Diego, USA.
X. Tang, M. Albert, M.I. Miller, and L. Younes, “Change Point Estimation of the Hippocampal Volumes in Alzheimer's Disease”, CRV, June 2016, Victoria, Canada.
X. Tang, S. Mori, and M.I. Miller, “Segmentation via the Random Multi-atlas Orbit Model in Computational Anatomy”, MICCAI, Oct 2012, Nice, France.
X. Tang, D. Crocetti, M.I. Miller, and S.H. Mostofksy, “Sex-Dependent Basal Ganglia Abnormalities in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder”, OHBM, June 2014, Hamburg, Germany.
X. Tang, J.Wu, "Principal Component Analysis of the Shape Deformations of the Hippocampus in Alzheimer’s Disease"